Testimonials First Name Jodi Last Name VanBuren Email jodivanburen@yahoo.com Like best After my older lab passed, moving to another state and a multitude of changes my Leo was so skittish and scared of everything and everyone. This broke my heart and I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t even walk him with him without mishap or him shaking in fear of a branch blowing in the wind. Enter Kate. I opened my door and Leo ran to her and couldn’t leave her alone. I literally cried because this was the old Leo and the 1st time in a long time I saw him comfortable with a new person and not so scared he would hide and shake. Kate worked with me on how to help Leo become more confident. She now walks him 3 times a week while I’m at work. I have my dog back thanks to Kate. He is playing with other dogs, approaching people I talk to, and most of all we are enjoying nice long walks again without him cowering on the ground is sheer fear. He’s so happy! I would recommend Kate 100%!! What she did with Leo in such a short time is astounding and we are enjoying many new adventures here thanks to her! Would recommend Yes Anything to add You will not regret having Kate work with or simply walk your dog. She has such a love for our fur babies! You’ll be so thankful you have her in your life, I promise!
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